пятница, 30 декабря 2016 г.

Умер Андрей Глухов


С прискорбием сообщаем, что в ночь с 29 на 30 декабря 2016 года не стало Андрея "Круглого" Глухова, барабанщика и одного из основателей группы Dissector. Это невосполнимая утрата для всех, кто был знаком с этим чудесным человеком, и для всех, кому на протяжении многих лет остаётся небезразлична музыка Dissector. Наше состояние не выразить в словах... Андрей будет похоронен 3 января 2017 года в городе Владимир.

Покойся с миром, дорогой Друг

пятница, 14 октября 2016 г.

Dissector на трибьюте My Dying Bride


Рады сообщить, что группа Dissector участвует в международной трибьютной компиляции "Long Stay In The Darkness", посвящённой культовым британским думстерам My Dying Bride. Специально для этого сборника кавер-версий Dissector записали свою версию песни "Into The Lake Of Ghosts". Сведением трека занимался небезызвестный саунд-продюсер Кристиан Шмид в немецкой студии Music-Factory, который также сводил наш новый студийный альбом "Planetary Cancer". Среди уже заявленных участников компиляции - Tartharia, Mental Home, Little Dead Bertha, Dominia и другие. Теоретически, альбом в виде 2-CD диги-пака должен выйти до конца этого года на лейбле SoundAge Production в сотрудничестве с фэнзином OR. В этом смысле, следим за новостями.

Альбом "Planetary Cancer" вышел!


По разным причинам давно не обновляли наш блог. Вся самая актуальная информация в последнее время оперативнее всего появляется на наше странице в Фэйсбуке, вместе с рецензиями и прочими сопутствующими новостями. Но суть происходящего от этого не изменилась. Наш новый студийный альбом "Planetary Cancer" вышел на российском лейбле Mazzar Records и сейчас доступен по весьма вменяемой цене в виде эксклюзивного 6-панельного глянцевого диги-пака в онлайн-магазине лейбла - http://shop.mazzar.ru/product/dissector/

На нашей официальной странице https://dissector.bandcamp.com/ в цифровую версию альбома добавлен небольшой инструментал "Hope", записанный во время студийных сессий альбома "Grey Anguish".

Параллельно с выходом альбома Dissector продолжают работу над новыми песнями и уже планируют на весну следующего года выпуск EP с новыми песнями. Рабочее название будущего релиза - "Loss". Оформлением нового релиза Dissector занимается наш бессменный дизайнер Пабло Антонов (https://www.facebook.com/pavlik.antonov?fref=ts). Как и на альбоме "Planetary Cancer", в новых песнях будут присутствовать несколько приглашённых гитаристов.

среда, 4 мая 2016 г.

Первая рецензия на Planetary Cancer - new album review


Наш новый, пока официально неизданный альбом "Planetary Cancer" удостоился первой рецензии в сетевом журнале Metal On Loud (http://metalonloud.com), быстро набирающем популярность!

Russian metal powerhouse Dissector unleash the furious Planetary Cancer

Score: 9/10

Russian metal powerhouse Dissector unleash the furious Planetary Cancer, putting metal heads worldwide on notice.

Russia’s Dissector returns with their punishing new album Planetary Cancer, which finds the seasoned metal heavyweight trio in rare form.

Originally formed in North Eastern Russia in 1992, the band dominated the metal scene for 10 years before entering an indefinite hiatus, resurrecting the project in 2006 with a rejuvenated drive and creative fire.

In the wake of their acclaimed 2014 studio album Grey Anguish and their following up EP Pride and Hate, Dissector is back with a rampaging vengeance, recruiting a who’s who of the metal community to come aboard for one of the most cohesive recordings of the year.

Kicking off with the equal parts menacing and electric track Mercy, Dissector’s Planetary Cancer is a throwback to the glory days of metal, combining modern elements and the blistering guitar-work of guitarist/vocalist Yan Fedyaev, to usher in one of 2016’s more complete metal albums.

Fedyaev is especially in top form on Rebuild on Better Days, and The Hate Inside, the latter of which serves as one of the album’s standout tracks, with some of the most memorable hooks on the record.

Perfect Smile offers only a momentary reprieve from the relentless pacing of the album, putting the more melodic elements of Dissector on full display, in a track as haunting as it is fiercely heavy.

The Shape of Things To Come kicks off with a memorable classic thrash riff in the vain of ‘big four’ legends, building to fervent drum work from Andrey Glukhov and epic tap work once again from Fedyaev, who offers some of his most powerful and angst-fueled vocals to date.

The closing half of the album is anything but filler, with tracks The Deep churning out frantic guitar and bass riffs, Exit Humanity providing some of the most intense instrumentals of the album and Invisible Lives serving as the albums emotional melodic culmination.

The album features its fair share of notable guest artists, with Mario Iliopoulos of Nightrage taking solo duties on The Hate Inside, Blind Saviour’s Rachel Grech lending vocals to Invisible Lives, Lauri Tuohimaa of Tuohimaa and Charon jumping in on The Deep and the incredible multi-instrumentalist Jorn Nord of Nordjevel providing guitar work on Rebuild On Better Days. Additional guests include Blazing Rust’s Igor Arbuzov, Spartan’s Nick van Beusekom, The Vison Ablaze’s Marcus Gronbech and Samarah’s Marcel Staub and keyboardist Max Delmar. Quite the array of talent!

Whether a fan of classic thrash, new age melodic death metal or even a twinge of the black, Dissector’s latest offering covers the basis.

Metalheads, take notice.


Обновления на bandcamp


В преддверии появления нашего нового альбома "Planetary Cancer", напоминаем о нашем бэк-каталоге на официальной странице Dissector на портале bandcamp - https://dissector.bandcamp.com. Помимо нового сингла "The Hate Inside" c участием гитариста Nightrage Мариоса Илиопулоса, в каталог добавлена полная версия EP "Pride & Hate" - https://dissector.bandcamp.com/album/pride-hate-ep.

пятница, 29 апреля 2016 г.

Новое интервью для портала Astarta


Публикуем небольшое интервью для портала wwwastarta.ru по случаю выхода в свет сингла "The Hate Inside" с нового альбома "Planetary Cancer". Благодарим за интервью Алексея Иринеева. Русскоязычный оригинал интервью можно прочитать, пройдя по этой ссылке - http://astartaview.ru/intervyu-s-yanom-fadeevym-dissector/

Трио из Магадана со звучным названием Dissector является одной из старейших российских трэш-команд, более того – эта группа вполне может быть названа легендарной и уникальной. Легендарной – потому что самим фактом своего существования является одним из краеугольных камней отечественной трэш-истории, а уникальной — потому что не просто воспроизводит наработки и штампы западных корифеев жанра, а создаёт новый виртуозный сплав из трэша, дэта и дума. В данный момент уже анонсирован выход нового полноформатного альбома коллектива, в записи которого принял участие целый батальон именитых западных и российских музыкантов, и сейчас “диссекторы” представили нам первый кусок железа с грядущего лонгплея, который называется “The Hate Inside” и уже доступен для прослушивания. Сингл вызвал большой интерес и уже получил самые разные отзывы в сети, а потому мы решили узнать обо всём из первых уст и ангажировали для интервью лидера группы Яна Федяева.

— Ещё совсем недавно Dissector обнародовали целых два релиза, в том числе полноформатный альбом "Grey Anguish", но уже сейчас на подходе ваша новая работа, в преддверии которой вы обнародовали сингл. Как вам удаётся творить на таких высоких скоростях?

Видимо, такое впечатление складывается из-за того, что мы обычно в каждую студийную сессию записываем много песен. Я неоднократно пробовал в рамках работы над одним альбомом ограничиться хотя бы десятью песнями, но в итоге меньше двадцати никак не получалось. Убираешь гитару подальше с глаз, чтобы опять что-нибудь вдруг не сочинить, потом всё-таки берёшь её в руки и за неделю сочиняешь с чистого листа альбом. И что дальше с этими песнями делать? Вариантов немного. Так что сочинительство для нас – самое простое, не скроем.

— Почему в качестве первого сингла вы выбрали именно "The Hate Inside"?

Во-первых, она как-то сразу понравилась всем участникам коллектива – забойная, скоростная, энергичная. Во-вторых, в ней есть смесь традиционализма и коммерции, которыми, как мне кажется, должен обладать сингл. Я рад, что на "Planetary Cancer" есть такие треки. Нашлись уже персонажи с обвинениями в том, что это слишком коммерческий трек. Надо же! Dissector, по правде говоря, всегда играли мелодичную метал-музыку с вполне коммерческими структурами, причём, за свои же деньги. Мы всегда стремились играть понятные и простые песни. В этом случае, нас явно с кем-то путают. Так что я только смеюсь над этими псевдо-ортодоксами, кричащими о позёрстве. Как правило, им важна не музыка как таковая, а разговоры на тему "тру или не тру", причём степень "тру" определяется строго индивидуально, так что предмет разговора отсутствует – ни о чём, каждый остаётся при своём мнении и засоряет эфир. Песня "The Hate Inside" сама по себе вполне самостоятельная, и замечу, что в качестве сингла музыкально она отражает лишь часть альбома.

— Кто был автором обложки сингла?

Обложка сингла является частью оформления буклета альбома "Planetary Cancer". Так что визуализация альбома и синглов – это целиком и полностью дело рук дизайнера Паши Антонова, нашего давнего друга и коллеги.

— В записи готовящегося альбома приняла участие целая плеяда именитых гостей. Расскажите, пожалуйста, о них. С кем было интереснее всего работать? Как вы на них вышли? Список большой, и первым гостем альбома стала вокалистка мальтийской группы Blind Saviour Рашель Грех. Затем вызвался поучаствовать в записи Игорь Арбузов из Blazing Rust, а потом постепенно набрался нынешний состав гостей-гитаристов, включая Мариоса Илиопоулоса из Nightrage, Йорна Норд из Nordjevel, Никаван Бойсекома из Spartan, Лаури Туохимаа изTuohimaa(ex-Charon), Маркуса Грёнбеха из The Vision Ablaze и Марселя Штауба из Samarah. Разумеется, не забудем клавишникаThe Lust Макса, а также Грейми Ди из радиопередачи "The Autopsy Report Metal Radio Show" и нашего нового соавтора текстов Рэнди Герритсе, сделавших кое-какой дополнительный продакшен. Со всеми участниками проекта связь осуществлялась через Фэйсбук. Часть музыкантов привлёк я сам, часть порекомендовал РэндиГерритсе. Люди все разные, подход к музыке у всех разный, но большей частью, все отработали быстро, профессионально и эффективно. Больше всего порадовало, что материал Dissector показался всем забугорным гостям достаточно интересным. Мы очень довольны совместной работой.

— Кто-нибудь из них принимал участие в работе над синглом "The Hate Inside"?

Да, партии соло-гитары в этой песне записал гитарист Мариос Илиопулос из группы Nightrage. Несколько лет назад мы общались с ним лично в рамках одного интервью, так что, можно сказать, мы знакомы с ним давно, и в его случае обошлось без длительных переговоров. Мариос охотно идёт навстречу. Тем более, насколько я понимаю, у Nightrage есть своя студия, и результат был получен довольно быстро.

— Как вы сами считаете, какие основные отличия между "Grey Anguish" и готовящимся альбомом? В какую сторону сейчас движется Dissector?

Стоит сразу сказать, что "Planetary Cancer" далеко не во всём напоминает наш предыдущий альбом "Grey Anguish". Для нас он не лучше и не хуже, он просто другой. И по звучанию, и по настроению. Он более глобальный, что ли. Наверно, меня, как автора музыки, лучше не спрашивать по поводу направления развития Dissector, потому что я с уверенностью не могу ответить. Новые песни получаются такими, какими получаются; сочиняя материал, я не ставлю перед собой никаких определённых целей. Бывает, что какая-то незначительная мелочь или идея, возникшая самой последней, ставит уже готовый трек с ног на голову. Кроме того, музыканты Dissector Олег и Андрей на стадии записи вносят свои коррективы. Мы много материала записываем спонтанно, и изменения в аранжировках во время записи в студии иногда существенно меняют песню. Затем песни постепенно складываются в альбом, создавая, в свою очередь, уникальную динамику. Предполагалось, что "PlanetaryCancer" будет полностью скоростным, минималистичным и коротким. Но когда количество записанных песен перевалило за двадцать, захотелось реализовать треков больше и разных. В целом, это по-прежнему наше традиционное сочетание в разных пропорциях простого и мелодичного трэша и павера с примесью эпичных дум-метал и рок-элементов.

— Скажу честно, уже не думал, что когда-нибудь услышу вновь ваш легендарный проект The Lust. Как пришла идея возродить эту группу? И когда будет представлен новый альбом?

У меня у самого уже неоднократно возникало желание окончательно прикрыть проект The Lust. Причины очевидны. Во-первых, сложно заниматься на должном высоком уровне сразу двумя самофинансируемыми проектами. Во-вторых, отсутствуют музыканты, готовые полноценно, на равных условиях участвовать в проекте. Так что появление идей, касающихся The Lust, связано исключительно с наличием финансов, свободного времени и желания. Вдохновения и песен хватает, с этим проблем нет. А поскольку новая музыка The Lust (какой бы гениальной и затратной она не была) не принесёт создателям ни копейки, и её будут бесплатно качать так же, как и старую, то оптимизма и рвения становится ещё меньше. Увы, о сроках выхода альбома ничего конкретного сказать не могу, надеюсь только, что все записи мы к лету закончим. А дальше сведение и поиск издателя. Новый альбом будет называться "Black Dahlia Poem", в него войдёт десять новых песен.

— Как изменилось сейчас звучание The Lust? Планируются ли концерты The Lust в поддержку нового альбома?

Тему концертов сразу закроем – не планировали и не планируем. Нет ни ресурсов, ни условий для поддержания полноценной деятельности. Меня вполне устраивает студийное существование. Думаю, новый релиз The Lust будет отличаться от всех предыдущих наших работ, не только участием новой вокалистки Анны Даст (из группы Decadence Dust), но и более современной динамикой, неким концептуальным характером происходящего и участием гостевых музыкантов. Надеюсь, качественно мы тоже сделаем шаг вперёд.

— Нет планов по реанимации других сторонних проектов музыкантов Диссектора?

Помимо того, что, к моей радости, музыканты Dissector Олег Алёшин (бас-гитара) и Андрей Глухов (барабаны) участвуют в записи материала The Lust, ещё в этом году вполне возможно моё участие в записи нового материала Tartharia. Других планов нет, учитывая вялотекущую подготовку к неким юбилейным релизам в будущем году и наличие большого количества песен в запасе.

— Что бы вы хотели пожелать фэнам Dissector, The Lust и просто поклонникам тяжёлой музыки, которые ещё не знакомы с вашим творчеством?

Традиционно желаю любителям рок-музыки поддерживать словом и делом тех, кто эту музыку, не смотря на скотские условия жизни и музыкальное бесправие, продолжает делать.

— Спасибо за интервью!

Алексей "Astarte Eel" Иринеев

среда, 27 апреля 2016 г.

Новый сингл "The Hate Inside" в сети!


Dissector с радостью представляет первый сингл "The Hate Inside" с нового альбома "Planetary Cancer". Прослушать и приобрести его можно здесь -


В записи этой песни принял участие гитарист греко-шведской мело-дэт-метал группы Nightrage Мариос Илиопулос. Музыкальный портал Astarta стал первым, кто оценил новый сингл и опубликовал рецензию на "The Hate Inside" - http://astartaview.ru/dissector-the-hate-inside. C удовольствием публикуем его текст.

DISSECTOR – 2016 * * * * *

Power thrash metal / melodic death metal


Самобытное трэш-трио из Магадана DISSECTOR функционирует ещё с начала 90-х и не так давно после некоторого затишья вернулось к активной деятельности. В прошлом году под флагом этой команды было выпущено аж два релиза, а на данный момент, как сообщается, уже почти закончена работа над новым полноформатным творением Диссектора, получившим устрашающее своей масштабностью название “Planetary Cancer”, и сейчас нашему вниманию представлен первый сингл с этой пластинки — “The Hate Inside”.

И этот первый доступный трек с грядущего релиза с первых же секунд своего звучания оставляет ощущение всё той же гениальной простоты, которая всегда отличала DISSECTOR. Хотя всё же не совсем той. Такое чувство, что группа отполировала собственные же фирменные фишки до идеального блеска, и теперь всё то, чем раньше славился этот коллектив, предстало, как говорится, в наилучшем виде. А соло на гитаре для этого трека записал не кто иной, как Мариос Илиопоулос из шведско-греческого mdm-состава Nightrage, что привнесло в композицию ещё больше свежести и филигранной слаженности.

В “The Hate Inside” столь характерное для магаданского коллектива сочетание классического трэша и шведского мелодик-дэта представлено в соотношении близком к 50/50, и всё это приправлено специфичной финской меланхолией и характерной для раннего Paradise Lost особой заdoomчивостью. Сложно и надуманно? Ничуть! Своей гимновой, хоровой, почти маршеподобной эпичностью трек напомнил мне классические творения Shah и альбомы Rage середины 90-х. “Ненависть внутри” – всё просто.

Качёвый цепляющий ритм, жужжащий a la Dismember и Entombed звук, эпизодические соло и вокальная полифония, в которой тоже представлены почти в равных пропорциях “войсы”, характерные для трэша и для дэта – я сомневаюсь, что весь грядущий диск будет идентичен этой вещи, но завлекалочка получилась действительно достойная. И в ней на самом деле всего поровну: трэш и дэт, олдскул и современность, риффинг и мелодичность. Такое чувство, что диссекторы не желают довольствоваться ролью нерукотворного памятника самим себе, и ни на шутку решили штурмовать мировой металлический Олимп. По своей хитовости “The Hate Inside” не уступает, пожалуй, даже мегадэтовскому ”Youthanasia”.

И словно в подтверждение этой свой догадки я вижу, что в записи “Planetary Cancer” помимо уже упоминавшегося выше Мариоса Илиопоулоса из Nightrage, принял участие целый сонм именитых гостей: вокалистка Рашель Грех из мальтийской группы Blind Saviour, басист и гитарист Йорн Норд из норвежской блэк-капеллы Nordjevel и Игорь Арбузов (экс-Grenouer, Blazing Rust), гитарист Ник ван Бойсеком из голландской группы Spartan, Грейми Ди, ведущий британской радиопередачи “The Autopsy Report Metal Radio Show”, голос которого можно будет услышать в песне “Mercy”, и Лаури Туохимаа, в прошлом гитарист финских лав-металлистов Charon, а ныне фронтмен собственной группы Tuohimaa.

Сведение материала состоялось в немецкой студии Music-Factory под руководством Кристиана Шмида. И совокупность всех приведённых выше фактов и факторов говорит сейчас об одном – DISSECTOR goes big, и сейчас этот и без того культовый состав со своим новым диском имеет все шансы войти в высшую лигу мирового тяжмета и встать на одну ступень не только с Nightrage, но и с самими Rage.

Как бы там ни было, мне действительно весьма интересно, каким выйдет “Planetary Cancer”, хотя бы потому, что прошлогодний полноформатник этих трэшеров стал для меня одним из главных открытий года, а первая ласточка с грядущей и анонсируемой сейчас пластинки оказалась весьма и весьма привлекательной и воодушевляющей. Что ж, поживём — увидим.

Planetary Cancer - работа завершена!


Можем с ответственностью заявить о завершении работ по созданию нашего нового студийного альбома"Planetary Cancer". Звукоинженер и со-продюсер альбома Кристиан Шмид завершил его сведение и мастеринг в своей студии Music Factory. Как уже сообщалось ранее, в финальный трек-лист альбома вошли двенадцать песен. В записи альбома приняли участие следующие гости:

Marios Iliopoulos (Nightrage, www.nightrage.com) – solo in “The Hate Inside”

Rachel Grech (Blind Saviour, www.facebook.com/blindsaviourbandmalta) – vocal in “Invisible Lives”

Lauri Tuohimaa (Tuohimaa, ex-Charon, www.tuohimaaband.fi) - solo in "The Deep"

Jorn Nord (Nordjevel, www.nordjevel.no) – solo in “Rebuild On Better Days”

Igor Arbuzov (Circle Story & Blazing Rust, www.facebook.com/blazingrust) – solo in “First To Burn”

Max Delmar (www.facebook.com/djmaxdelmar) – keyboards in “Invisible Lives”, “First To Burn”, “Perfect Smile” and “Currency Of Life”

Randy Gerritse – intro in “Mercy”

Gramie Dee (The Autopsy Report Metal Radio Show, www.autopsyreport.co.uk) - additional vocal dialogue in “Mercy”

Nick van Beusekom (Spartan, www.facebook.com/SpartanOfficial) – solo in „Exit Humanity“

Marcus Grønbech (The Vision Ablaze, www.facebook.com/thevisionablaze) – solo in “The Shape Of Things To Come”

Marcel Staub (Samarah, www.samarah.de) – solo in „Currency Of Life“

Благодарим всех участников за творческую поддержку. В настоящий момент группа занята поиском издателя нового альбома и продолжает работу над песнями, не вошедшими в "Planetary Cancer".

понедельник, 22 февраля 2016 г.

Новый альбом "Planetary Cancer"


Сообщаем, что в середине марта 2016 года на немецкой студии Music-Factory в городе Кемптен начнётся сведение нового альбома Dissector "Planetary Cancer". Работы над ним вошли в финальную стадию. В стандартную версию "Planetary Cancer" войдёт 12 треков, в записи большинства из которых приняли участие приглашённые музыканты из разных стран Европы. На нашей официальной странице в Facebook www.facebook.com/Dissector-107484652627160 мы освещаем все события и публикации, связанные с раскруткой нового альбома, а также знакомим с гостями альбома и новыми треками (по мере их готовности). Оформлением альбома снова занимается наш давний добрый друг, питерский дизайнер Паша "The Elephant" Антонов.

• Mercy

• Fallen One

• Planetary Cancer

• Rebuild On Better Days

• Perfect Smile

• The Hate Inside

• First To Burn

• The Shape Of Things To Come

• The Deep

• Currency Of Life

• Exit Humanity

• Invisible Lives

Новое интервью на портале Astarta


Портал Astarta опубликовал новое интервью с Dissector. Прочитать его вы можете, пройдя по этой ссылке - http://astartaview.ru/intervyu-dissector. Либо по этой - https://www.facebook.com/astartaview/posts/1570894783233945. Благодарим Алексея Иринеева за внимание к нашему творчеству! Заодно хотим отметить рецензию на альбом "Grey Anguish" в сетевом немецком фэнзине Eternity - http://www.eternitymagazin.de/dissector-grey-anguish-36/

среда, 20 января 2016 г.

Рецензия на "Grey Anguish" на портале Astarta

DISSECTOR — 2015 * * * * *

Melodic thrash metal, atmospheric death metal


Группа Dissector стала для меня одним из главных откровений последнего времени. Состав с таким звучным и броским, истинно олдскульным названием играет замечательный мелодик-трэш с лёгким, едва заметным влиянием шведского мелодик-дэта, пауэра, модерн-металла и классического британского дума (“Delicately Yours” — это почти Paradise Lost). Экзотика, не правда ли? При этом группа звучит очень профильно, олдскульно и почти классически, а в музыке и текстах слышится пламенный привет как трэш-героям из Shah и Acid Reign, так и апологетам SMDM Hypocrisy и Dark Tranquillity.

А вокал напоминает одновременно Танели Ярва, (финского вокалиста известного по Sentenced времён их альбома “Amok” и своей собственной группе The Black League), Пита Стила времён его трэш-экзерсисов с Carnivore и Ника Холмса из Paradise Lost времён “Shades of God”. В музыке столько атмосферы и той особой патетики, которая отличала культовые работы Carnivore, Razor и Messiah, что их хватило бы на сто кэрниворов и рэйзоров.

Размышляя о стилистических особенностях команды, я близок к тому, чтобы назвать их атмосферным трэшем. Нечто подобное пробовали делать в конце 90-х великие тевтонцы Kreator на своём альбоме “Endorama” (1999), но у них всё это выходило намного более приглаженно, “готично” и стилизованно, а собственно от трэша там практически ничего и не осталось (что, однако, отнюдь не означает, что они играли плохо!). Dissector же играет как минимум не хуже, но делает это иначе.

В минувшем 2015 году команда выпустила аж два официальных физических релиза (не считая кассетных записей) – мини-альбом и полноформатник “Grey Anguish”, который сейчас и представлен нашему с вами вниманию.

На диске вы найдёте эмоциональный в меру тяжёлый и в меру трэшевый материал с форсированным запоминающимся вокалом и красивыми соло. Собственно, это и трэшем то не всякий назовёт, а по гениальности и глубине этот альбом для меня стоит в одном ряду с абсолютно покорившими меня в середине 90-х альбомами Rage “Black In Mind” (1995) и “End Of All Days” (1996), которые были заслушаны буквально до дыр.

Альбом слушается на одном дыхании, и мне не хотелось особо выделять какие-то треки, так как они все в равной степени сильны, и каждый слушатель наверняка сам определит своего персонального фаворита на этом диске, но при этом всё же нельзя не отметить изрядно выбивающуюся из общей канвы альбома “Keep My Trust”, исполненную совместно с вокалисткой The Lust, околопарадайзовскую “Delicately Yours”, шикарную титульную вещь, а мой личный любимец – почти слееровская вещь “An Angel With No Home”.

Один из основателей Dissector Ян Федяев занимался в середине нулевых такими проектами, как The Lust, Tartharia и Inside, которые были достаточно известны и успешны, но, как говорится, первая любовь не забывается, а все пути ведут в Иерусалим, и по сему шкала приоритетов снова сместилась к отметке “трэш”, а повзрослевший и набравшийся опыта Диссектор снова вышел на тропу войны. Ничуть не погрешив против истины можно назвать Dissector великой командой. Ребята играют слаженно, мощно, интересно и в какой-то степени уникально, а главное – с душой, а их последний CD – это релиз сильной и уверенной команды с солидной историей, которую вполне можно назвать российским Rage или российским Sentenced. И действительно они даже по статусу не сильно ниже, вплотную приближаясь к этим великим командам. Единственный недостаток Диссектора на сегодняшний день – это катастрофическая нехватка известности и признания. Увы, я сам не нахожу ответа на вопрос, как я мог столь долго не знать о существовании столь крутого коллектива.

Алексей "Astarte Eel" Иринеев


Интервью для шведского блога ghgumman.blogg.se


Представляем англоязычное интервью Диссектор для шведского блога Робекс Лундгрен www.ghgumman.blogg.se

1.Have any of you played in other bands?

– Before creating of Dissector in 1992 no one of us has played in other bands. After 1995 our drummer Andrey “Circle” played in one local band in Vladimir-City before reunion of Dissector in 2008. Guitarist Yan had/has his project The Lust and also played in Russian metal-bands Inside, Tartharia, Satanation in Saint-Petersburg. He was also a part of synth-pop duet Green Brothers.

2.How is it that you started playing music?

– I was interested in music since my childhood but didn’t play any instruments till 1991. Then I started to play acoustic guitar and to compose my first primitive songs and lyrics. Our drummer Andrey was my neighbor, so step by step we began to play together and to try to do first demo-recordings. In 92 after playing several months with female bass-player Ksenia, we completed our first active line-up with bass player Oleg and singer Vladimir.

3.What are your names? / Who plays what? / How old are you?

– Now we have three core members in Dissector. Oleg (42) plays bass-guitar, Andrey(40) plays drums, Yan(42) plays guitar and sings.

4.Have you had other previous members?

– Yeah, in our first active line up called Distimiya (92-93) we had another singer Vladimir Yarkeev. After some conflicts we have gone separate ways. We had also the second guitarist Lex Bachanov in 93-94, who is living in Ukraine now.

5.Did you make music even when you were young?

– No, I personally played only on my mother’s nerves when I was young. But I liked to listen to the fast classical music when I was a kid. And then, in the school I become a fan of AC/DC.

6.Where are you from?

– We are from Magadan, a small city in Far North of Russia.

7.What year did the band form?

– Autumn 1992

8.What's your style of genre?

– Well, I think we use different metal/rock elements in our songs and try to use lots of melodies and easy song structures. Let it be melo-death with power-metal influences.

9.What inspires you?

– There are many things to inspire me by composing music and lyric. Most of the time it’s something negative - social or very personal disasters or fears. Nothing new about it.

10.How often and where do you rehearse?

– Well, Dissector is the studio band, all members live in different cities. We don’t play concerts, so we don’t rehearsal together. We meet together sometimes before recordings, but most of all we just hang up together from time to time on concerts or by visiting each other.

11.How have you developed since you started with the music?

– As a band we developed every time we recorded demo or album. It doesn’t mean that we become more progressive or brutal. We just tried to combine melody, some spontaneous ideas and metal elements which we were grown up with.

12.Do you have other interests of work outside the band?

– As for me, I haven’t other interests or passiones outside the music, but, maybe traveling. Well, and my job, of cause, costs a lot of time and energy.

13.Are you looking for a booking agency, and what are your thoughts around that?

– So far we aren’t live band (anymore), we don’t need it.

14.Are you looking for a label, and what are your thoughts around that?

– I have personally some experience with labels playing in other bands. And I have to say most of them are not positive at all. Well, every band from underground has his negative experiences in his career and his unique way to develop. So it’s quite possible that some bands have good arrangements with labels. Music industry goes through big changes; every year brings something new, but nothing better for musicians. Too much dishonest business and less good music nowadays. Dissector was and stays so far independent, but if we find a good or at least fair deal, we will use this opportunity to have support by label and someone who maybe helps us to spread the words about our music.

15.What made you decide to make this music?

– Have no idea. It seems like music doesn’t ask to be preferred. It’s like Black mark – you get it and have to go with it through your life. In the school I become a fan of AC/DC and listened to many classical heavy-metal bands, including Judas Priest, WASP, Accept, Manowar, Iron Maiden, Saxon and many others. But at the same time I listened to European pop music too. Actually I can compose different music, ballads, instrumentals, acoustic etc. I prefer hi-energetic side of metal and minor side of real good pop. Dissector tries to combine it in its music obviously.

16.What are your songs about?

– We never had special concepts in our albums or one customary theme in our songs. But we don’t write happy songs with messages full of hope. There are enough artists in other music genres to do it. But I can say that all our lyric is less or more about dark or bizarre sides of our life, about trying to find your own way or identity, or about trying to leave this fuckin planet.

17.Who does the composing and writes the lyrics?

– I compose the music, and then we arrange it together with the band, at home or during studio-time. Everyone has his own personal input. If someone brings his idea for a song – no problem with it. Musically I’m free for ideas, riffs, melodies etc. Composing is for me the easiest thing in the whole process, one or two songs in one day are also no problem, but no one needs so much stuff. We have a different situation with lyrics these days. Earlier I composed most of lyrics for Dissector and The Lust by myself and used from time to time lyrics written by my countryman, course mate and old fan of Dissector Alex Rekunov. Since last half on 2000-s we use largely lyric by different authors, lots of texts are written by singer of Grenouer Andrey “Ind” Merzlyakov. On the new material of Dissector we have another author – stunning creative metalhead and friend Randy Gerritse.

18.Do you start with the music or the lyrics?

– Most of the time I start with music and very seldom with vocal-line. This situation is the result of me composing music much faster and more than lyric. Only if I have a guest text or even just chorus-lines in my hands during composing, it can be something on lyric basis.

19.Do you compose in a certain environment?

– Well, nothing special, I think. First of all I need a guitar, some free time, free mind and not hasty atmosphere.

20.Have you done any covers live?

– In the first decade of Dissector’s history we played some covers live. As far as I remember, we played songs by Rage, Megadeth, REM and Crush Test Dummies.

21.What language do you sing in?

– Now we sing primary in English, but in first decade of Dissector’s history we had also recorded demo-material with lyric in Russian and German. Music was also kinda experimental in this connection too, either acoustic semi-ballads or metal-punk stuff. Actually we have nothing against experimenting in music these days, but now prefer to sing only in English.

22.Do you always play the same songs live, or do you vary?

– No, we tried always to have new songs in our set-lists. Well, we never played tourneys, just local clubs, so we could try all the time something new.

23.What was your first gig like?

– Of course I remember my first concert in events hall of local medical college in autumn 1992, in front of 30-40 students and a couple of friends. We have played only seven songs, one of them without bass guitar. I think we had usual feelings for the first concert – excitement, nervousness, a little bit fear and delight.

24.What was your latest gig?

– Last time I ever played live was 2004 or 2005. I played guitar in band called Tartharia. Frankly speaking I don’t remember much about it… It was in Saint-Petersburg for sure, as far as I remember in club “Arctica” (RIP) as support for Dark Funeral.

25.Have you had to cancel a gig?

– Never in my live career. Sick, drunk or broken – no matter, but the stage was always the sacred place.

26.Where do you plan to gig the coming year?

– No, we don’t have any plans for live activities.

27.When did you start to sell merchandise, and what do you have for sale?

– We didn’t have much opportunity to make any kind of merchandise earlier, first of all because of the fact that Dissector existed in his first decade in relatively small and isolated city. After that follows the new and hard period of new beginning. So we were glad to have at least something recorded in good quality. These days every underground band or small label is able to make its own merchandise, so we too from time to time. Now we have different t-shirts, cups, mouse pads, picks, stickers and magnets. We have other ideas for next releases, but time will tell.

28.Where can people buy your merchandise?

– We sell all our CD’s and merchandise (T-shirts, cups, souvenirs) directly and send all orders only by ourselves. In our case it means maximum trust and liability. You can use for orders our e-mail dissectorband@gmail.com

29.What do you think about people downloading music instead of buying records now a days?

– That depends on what people do with this downloads. If they do it to get acquainted with new material or band, and then finally to buy the CD, digital album or merch, or to visit a concert, so far I think it’s OK. But in countries where never existed big modern and international music culture (Russia, China, Ukraine and many others), never was kind of social discipline, responsibility and reverence for hard musician’s work, and where piracy prospers (for a number of reasons), people won’t buy nothing if the have unlimited recourses to take it for free. Under the conditions of globalization, this situation has a sizable and fatal effect on music market in every country and on music industry in the whole world. But its only one part of the problem. Another part is the fact that now we have already generations of young people thinking, that the intellectual property they have in Internet is for free. Who creates this property and how he pays his bills – we don’t know and don’t give a fuck.

30.How do you think the music industry have changed because of this?

– Changes in music industry are disastrous for musicians and fair music business first of all. Well nothing is forever, you know. I don’t try to say that changing is a bad thing. But in this case the changing has nothing to do with natural development. It’s just a survival in an age of robbery and rapid mutation of human consciousness, adjustment to non-natural conditions. It won’t bring much and better music in the future. Music is not the point in this situation. Well music will exist for sure, there will be unique and interesting projects, but either no one will care or this music will stay unheard.

31.What do you think of my work?

– I greet that you support underground musicians and less known projects. You have some interesting interviews in your blog!

32.How do you think and know that this interview will help you in the music business?

– It’s hard to appraise, sometimes people have no time to put up for a minute and to think about things they really need or just to read something. But every interview or review can invite the attention to your band, and you never know who and where will be this person who has read this interview. Who knows, maybe it will help! Ok we have to have thousands of such publications to be noticed, but sooner or later it happens if you have balls to accept all sacrifices you do and have a will not to drop music or other desire.

33.Do you have any role models or idols?

– It was way possible in our childhoods. But now I don’t think so. We just have some bands and personalities which play cool music and do interesting things, and this music and deeds feed us with inspiration and wish to go on.

34.Is it easier to find inspiration from older bands, or bands that are more active today?

– I can say only for myself – I don’t like old school sound, so I find more inspiration in old bands playing with modern sound now. They still keep the essence of their classical stuff, heavy, doom or thrash-metal, doesn’t matter, and at the same time some of them combine it very effective with elements from other styles and transform their music into something very actual and inspiring for me. Carcass, Paradise Lost, Katatonia or Haunted, for example.

35.What have been your biggest obstacles?

– I have many of them, sure for some people I’m a monster. I’m tenacious, pessimistic, egoistic, and useless for family life person with wrong priorities, which can’t find his place in the life. With music I try to fill all damned holes in my soul.

36.What advice would you give other bands or artists?

– If you have started - keep moving. If you are not kinda Metallica, Ozzy or Madonna, don’t think that this shitty world will be shifting around you.

37.Do you have any new material?

– This year we have released two albums – “Grey Anguish” and ”Pride And Hate”, which have got good reviews, what we a happy about. We still have some unreleased songs from last studio sessions. But we have again lots of new material and never had problem with it. Problem is to records such a big amount of music in a proper and best possible way with our private budgets. Because of our jobs, ways of life, living in different cities and trying to cooperate during recording process with old friends, creating a new album or even a couple of songs needs not only money but also a very good organization of transfer and terms.

38.What are your web sites?

– Now we have an old website www.dissector.ru which we try to reorganize. We have also official blog (http://dissector-stillalive.blogspot.nl/) and some other recourses in Russian social webs Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki, but the most activity and freshest news we have in Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Dissector-107484652627160/

39.How can people reach you?

– We are free to all possible contacts and collaborations. People can use our E-mail dissectorband@gmail.com or drop us a line on Facebook, Vkontakte or other web-platforms, where we are presented.

40.What are your plans for the future?

– As I said earlier, we have lots of new material, and I go on with new demos. Now we work with three albums simultaneously. First in the row is the new album of Dissector. We hope to get it ready in spring 2016, so our future plans are aligned with promo activities. We look forward for a new stuff, future collaborations and support by Metalheads Forever community (https://www.facebook.com/groups/MetalOnLoud/) – our friends and biggest supporter. This autumn we have composed a hymn for MHF – “Metal On Loud” and hope to carry this friendship.

41.Do you have something to add?

– Keep the soul fire burning. Be honest with you and your relatives. You never know what kind of surprises this life prepares for you right now, and who of your nearest will be most important one in your life.

воскресенье, 17 января 2016 г.

Цифровые переиздания EP "Metal On Loud"


Наш актуальный мини-альбом "Metal On Loud" опубликован на ведущих музыкальных онлайн-ресурсах:

Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01A0LTM34

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Yan from Dissector have answered my questions and he have done that all the way from Russia. It´s also the first interview which is done in 2016 . January-2016

Yan from Dissector have answered my questions and he have done that all the way from Russia. It´s also the first interview which is done in 2016 . January-2016

Please tell me a little bit history of the group?

– The history of Dissector started in October 1992 in a small city called Magadan, in Far North in Russia. The first live line-up was called Distimiya, we played several concerts and recorded one demo. After one year we changed line-up and the name of the band. Our music also changed those days, we started to play fast melodic-death metal with influences such Entombed, Dismember and Massacre. In 1997 I put a new version of Dissector together with members of local bands such Black Mesa and Vivarium. We played very often live and regularly recorded demos until 2002. Then I moved to Saint-Petersburg, where played with Inside and Tartharia, and organized the project The Lust. In 2007, living in Moscow and making a new album for The Lust, I recorded with session musicians some new material for Dissector and released it by myself as the EP “Cry For Me”. In 2008 old members from the very first active line up of Dissector reunite as a studio project. First of all I have compiled the collection of unreleased demos and songs on “Not Like Before”, dedicated to our 20-year jubilee. Than we recorded album “Grey Anguish” and EP “Pride And Hate” together.

Please tell me a little about every member in the group right now, age, family, work, interests and something bad about everyone? Earlier bands?

– Every bad thing we will keep in the family :))). Well, there are three core members in Dissector now – bass-player Oleg Aleshin, drummer Andrey Glukhov and guitar/vocalist Yan Fedyaev. I(Yan) and Oleg are 42 years old; Andrey is 40, we are no teenagers anymore! Oleg is a programmer in banking sector, has family and two sons, the rest has no families and children as far as I know. Andrey is a lawyer; I have worked many years as freelancer, translator and content manager. Dissector was and is our main place of creation and musical activity. Andrey played drums for a short time in a local band in his town Vladimir somewhere in 2000´s. I have beside Dissector another active studio project since 2003 – The Lust. I have also recorded guitars for two projects from Saint-Petersburg – Tartharia and Satanation. In 2004-2005 I was also a part of synthpop duo Green Brothers, we released one album called “Not Of This Place”.

I can hear much different influences but mostly death metal and similar music? Favorites from the past?

– Now is really hard to say something about my personal music influences in the past because that depends of my age. I personally listened to everything from Italian pop music and AC/DC to everything from heavy metal and glam rock, everything which was available in my living place those challenging years. If we talk about Dissector’s influences in general, so did we start to listen to extreme music round about the same time – old school evergreens like Slayer, Testament, Exodus, Metallica, Megadeth, Overkill, lots of thrash and death bands starting with Sodom, Destruction, Entombed, At The Gates, Edge Of Sanity, Dismember etc, which were very popular at the beginning of 90´s, and some brutal stuff of course as Cannibal Corpse, Carcass, Napalm Death, Brutal Truth…

Dissector are you satisfied with the name? How did it came up? You weren’t afraid that some other band would be named like this? Which is the best bandname you know?

– Well, as we came up with this name in autumn 1993, after some exploring in some anatomy books and several variants, we didn’t know any band with the same name, and something tells me, that they don’t exist. We didn’t have Internet these days; we had only fanzines and from time to time German metal magazines like Rock Hard and Metal Hammer. Now we have about ten Dissectors on the planet, it’s no secret, but we will never change the name we are satisfied with. What the hell? We have been running long enough to be proud with our name!

What´s the best thing with playing live?

– I think the best thing is an exchange of energies between musicians on stage and audience in hall. You can’t have enough of this unique feeling, which is quite different on every concert.

And where is best to play? And the worst place?

– When Dissector was an active liveband we played only in venues in our home town, so most of them were unfit for extreme music. But we didn’t give a shit, of course – we were young and wanted to play live as much as possible without thinking much about sound conditions in clubs. Now we don’t play live and acts only as a studio project, trying to concentrate on quality of our music.

How is to play this sort of music in Russia right now? Which types of bands do you have concerts together with?

– We played live in all possible style combination, from local festivals with very different styles of music and supporting bigger acts, to 3 hours solo concerts. I don’t see many problems to play metal in Russia for many years. Ok we have here from time to time crazy examples of religious or political obscurantism (also with bands from abroad), which is partly a consequence of the policy of social dumbing-down and arbitrariness of authorities on all levels. But there are still big and small rockclubs in big cities and lots of options for rehearsal and recording, if you have money. And lots of rock/metal enthusiasts too.

How would you describe your music in three words?

– It’s just metal: heavy, melodic, and easy-structured.

When you did all the remixes, how would you think your fans would react?

– Well, with this EP “Pride And Hate” with several remixes we have a couple of goals to reach. We wanted to do EP with additional stuff, we wanted to have something experimental in our discography and last but not least we wanted to do a physical release for our friends which do electronic music and also support us from time to time with remixes, which we normally use in our digital releases. As for me, I have nothing against this remixthings, even if most of remixes in metal music are disputable, you know. It’s something more for the popculture. But so far we are an independent band, we do and will do what we want and hold to be correct.

How do you see on downloading, mp3 and that stuff?

– It’s a dead ender, with no concrete answer. And I don’t have it. I don’t accept seriously digital music and prefer to have physical formats. Of course, I understand that there are some positive, comfortable moments in legal downloading and sharing of mp3-files in some spheres of life, for getting to know oк if you are too far from the civilization. But the resulting effect of this damned digital machinery is fatal for music. The digitalization and almost uncontrolled sharing have not only opened all gates to stealing the intellectual property. They have ripped to shreds with the whole meaning “music”. Now music is something like chewing gum for 3-5 minutes. What? Pay for music? Are you crazy? I can get it for free and better buy a beer or order some idiotic shit on Internet. I don’t wanna speak about industry in general now, though we have many injured parties in this total crisis situation. Ok, CD and vinyl cost too much in our progressive time, though the production of one CD or DVD cost cents. To pay 15-20 euro for one new CD is for young generations absolutely unacceptable and impudent. Yes, everybody understands it. But it wasn’t and isn’t musician’s fault, you know. Musicians (not divas or kings) didn’t get much money from every sold unit before Internet era (50 cents or 1 dollar from every CD was a fantastic deal). Now after bankruptcy of thousands labels/traders, and while streaming and marketing (stealing) music in Internet musicians get fuckin nothing at all and try to replace the whole industry by yourself. That is unreal, and the result is zero. People don’t buy not only CD’s nowadays; they don’t buy digital releases much either. Maybe they visit concerts from time to time, not often because of ticket’s prices. They lose interest to music because of huge amount of offers, secondariness of the music itself, free accessibility to it and psychology of modern gregarious society, who is unable to focus on something longer than advertisement. I don’t speak about big and classic names on the scene and music which is milk cows with big adult audience, just about independent and passionate bands, who invest everything they have in audio- and live quality. 4-5 world concerns determine what music and in which way the planet will consume, and easily kill lots of really innovative, creative artist and labels.

How is it to live in Russia now? Politically?

– I think, as in every country during crisis or other turbulent time – common people live less and worse. Well, people can have correct or incorrect opinion about foreign and domestic policy of the government, they can hate different sides of conflicts, but in fact most of them don’t give a shit and are interested only in their own life and in quick going down health and wealth of their families during mentioned crisis. People don’t follow or understand what happens really, and why government does this costly shit or that costly war. Life is getting worser after these decisions – that’s it. Ok, that depends of social positions of specific people, - as you understand rich people near state pork barrel are getting only better and are less fucked up with all these current economic sanctions, so far there are lots of voiceless common people and lots of resources to rob in Russia. People here will live worse so far families of Russian oligarchs and politicians, which together with Federal Security Service absolute rule the country, live in Europe and America in clover. And so far their children continue studying in European or American universities and won’t ever come back to Russia to live, and kind of civilize and human European and American authorities with elbow deep in blood are so cynically tolerable to money, which Russian oligarchs and their friends in policy are keeping in European banks. It allows them in fact with conduit arrangement to buy biggest properties, yachts, islands, key figures in governments etc. And they don’t give a shit about anyone’s sanctions. Nobody knows it? Fine! Russia is not the only country on the planet with such a situation. I don’t understand much in policy and as inhabitant to hold all oligarchs and politicians for corrupted liars and thieves, who change fundamental laws as they want and steal the future well-being of our children. But I can estimate what happens in my country on my low social level. To say in short they just methodically make people poorer, ruin everything in social sphere, medicine and economy here. So far I don’t see any optimism matter. But I think governments of many other countries, including Europe, do the same shit, maybe in smaller measures. They do a lot of things against their own nations, because of corruption and cowardice, hiding behind big messages of well known double-faced democracy. Though I know personally some sincere optimists who think we will have paradise in Russia in 2017. Maybe African kind of, who knows. Well it’s only my subjective opinion; I don’t impose it to anyone.

Is there any good bands from Russia now? Is the metal scene big? How is it in your hometown?

- I have left my hometown Magadan in 2002, at that time we had about 10 metal or rock bands (120 thousand inhabitants). Not much, but try to imagine where this place is situated. Yes, the metal scene is big, maybe less that earlier because of different social and economic reasons. I don’t have so much contact with Russian bands, only with those musicians I personally know. Some Russian bands make tours through Europe, make appearances on festivals and release albums on small labels in Europe and America on self-released level with zero distribution. But I’ve never seen some really serious input of Russians bands in modern metal culture, let’s say the last 15 years. I see and feel mass ignore of Russian music in big European, British and American music press, both printed and digital. Only small zines and blogs. Ok, for 15-20 years we could speak about lack of producing, quality, originality etc in the Russian metal scene. I don’t deny it. But qualities, they are changing, you know. Now many Russian bands record/produce their albums in Europe with a good producer and good quality and release hi-level formats with best printing, even vinyl. Some of them release it by themselves because of the fact, that small independent labels in Europe are unable to release something bigger than cheapest jewel-case or bad quality digipack without proper advertisement or distribution. But even they release something - it’s a drop in the ocean to be seriously noticed. Small labels have no money to push the band forward. Russian bands are kind of one step behind all the time, and this state of things doesn’t change much because of constant changing of music markets. Russian bands (with multi-album back-catalogues, good musicians and expensive productions) still can only hope to get a deal with tiny label which will ask musician for life-long rights for their music and money to release their album in Europe. Or to be reviewed in international music press as demo (sick), together with cheap self-releases. Sure, they’re some exclusions from time to time, and the last longplay of Dissector has got super reviews in German Rock Hard-magazine, for example. But after 25 years getting in contacts with different European labels, zines or publishers I can say that European school metal from garage played with one finger will sound to European reviewer or manager much better than a really good product from an intricate or frightening country. You will not like the reasons I suppose they all have.

What do you know about Sweden?

– Well, I have never been in Sweden, hope to visit at least Stockholm one day. So I can’t judge the traditional character of the Swedish people, because I have Swedish friends only in Facebook and don’t know them in everyday life. But I know a lot about Swedish metal music, of course. I can say it was a part of my music education and a part of forming my music taste. In the earlier 90´s albums of Swedish (and not only) gothic or melodic death metal bands were like ray of sunshine in my living place.

Have you heard any good bands from Sweden?

– I don’t personally follow the modern metal scene, not only in your country, but for sure I heard almost everything what was released internationally in 90´s and partly in 2000´s. Hypocrisy, Edge Of Sanity, Grave, Entombed, Dismember, Unleashed, Cemetery, At The Gates, Dark Tranquility, In Flames, Theatre Of Tragedy, Arch Enemy and many more. Sure I listened to the new albums of them, who are still alive. And I have almost all releases of Katatonia, Haunted and Nightrage in my collection – the coolest Swedish bands now for me.

Your lyrics, who does them and what influences you? Is it easier to do lyrics now or was its easier to do it when you was younger? Never in Russian? Why or why not?

– I did lyric much more and easier as I was young when Dissector made the first demos and DIY-albums. I had never problems with lyric and wrote it in English, German and Russian. But I sang primary in English. Other languages were more like experiment and not in a big amount. Now I do lyric seldom; can’t answer why. I have tons of inspirations and new experiences all around every day. But last years I have composed music much easier than lyric. So, on last releases of Dissector we use mostly lyric by my friends, musicians or just creative people with their own opinion.

Is there any subject that you never will write anything about?

– I try to write lyric or use someone’s lyric which has something in common with my current mood at that particular moment. Dissector is not a conceptual band; we can use different themes in our songs on one album . But these days I have no wish to sing about guts and ripped corpses, dragons and wizards, cosmic mushrooms or other fantasies; as far as I remember I’ve never used or written such lyric, maybe partly allegorically. I also don’t like to sing lessons how to live or what exactly to do, politically or pedagogically. I have no answers to many really painful questions in life, unfortunately, just my inner feelings or visions. And they are sometimes quite tangled, restless, confused, angry or nervous.

Politic and music, does it goes hand in hand? Which is your most political song?

– As musician I prefer to avoid mixing of politic and music, just because of the fact that it hides a lot of shit from every side, in my opinion. Though as a common man I hate all these morons in government’s machinery all around the world, which mostly try to hold their nations in medieval conscience. Sure I have enough of their daily bitchy lie, theft of own country, war, manipulating, destroying economy, education, medicine and social institutes, obsessive greed and making laws for idiots they industriously bring up for their goals. Our most and I think the only one political song is “True Conqueror”. The song has a guest text about last war conflict.

Best political band/artist?

– Frankly speaking I don’t follow this theme in music at all. Of course there are plenty of such bands and artists. One of the best examples of such a band for me is Napalm Death.

Do you think that music (lyrics and so on) can change anyones life, I mean people who listens to music?

– Sure music brings lots of different energy in one’s life. That depends of the style of music of course. At some point in some condition under influence of music people can make some decisions or deeds. It can make them feel better or worse, and I can judge it by myself. I’m not quite sure about lyric in details, I personally don’t pay too much attention to the lyricside of a song, I prefer to accept music first of all as one energetic unit. As for me, some key sentence or phrase together with good riffs can impress more that the whole text and the whole song.

Your cover on your CD looks really nice, is it important to have a record cover which shows people which type of music you play? Your favorite record cover? Who does your covers? And do you have any good record stores in your hometown?

– Almost all artworks and design of our merchandise are done and designed by our friend and country-man Pavlik Antonov (https://www.facebook.com/pavlik.antonov?fref=ts). We like his creativity and fresh ideas very much. Good cover is important for every release, and of course it should be signaling for the type of music. I speak about good metal music - time-consuming, hard, collective and expensive thing, which demands much passion, patience, investments and personal sacrifices. In our customer-related time an unpresentable cover can kill all strains of musicians. I live in Moscow at the moment, I think a couple of CD-stores are still alive here, but many are closed or sell some electronic or digital non-music stuff. I personally prefer to buy all CDs abroad or order it in Internet.

Is it important to get out physical records of your stuff? Why or why not?

- 100% YES – it’s important for me to have our songs physically released. First off all because besides concerts, CD, cassette or vinyl are no less than the proof of physical existence of an artist. It’s an subjective feeling but I think people don’t accept digital music as something serious, which can cost money it costs in reality with all sacrifices every good musician does. Digitalization and unbounded sharing of music in Internet have devaluated largely the work and job of musicians. Artwork, special editions, booklet content, packages are also part of this important feeling and necessary support of music.

How does your audience look like? Which people do you miss on your concerts? Which is the biggest band you ever have played together with?

– We haven’t played live for many years, but I think our audience would be older than teenagersJ. Dissector has never played with famous bands together on one stage. My personal achievements are very humble – as I played with Tartharia in Saint-Petersburg, we supported Dark Funeral and Impaled Nazarene in 2004.

Please rank your five favorite records, five favorite concerts and five most important things in life?

– I have to say I didn’t visit much concerts in my life because of many different reasons. But I have seen Rage and Paradise Lost five or six time every band in Russia and Germany, for example. So better is to rank metal concerts I would like to visit – Carcass, Haunted, Nightrage, Katatonia (one more), Napalm Death (but please next time with material from 90´s) and maybe some of thrash-metal titans. I can’t choose five favorite albums, it’s too hard. Only favorite discographies, in no particular order – Paradise Lost, Katatonia, Nightrage, Carcass, Ludovico Einaudi. And of course – everything I have done with Dissector and The Lust. Important things in life are banally evident – my mom, music, health, wealth, friends.

Is it boring with interviews? Is it much interviews?

– The question sounds like a compliment, lol! Well, Dissector is not a big band yet to get many interviews and to be soooo busy with promoting. Not boring at all!

If you could choose five bands from the past and the history and nowadays and both dead and living bands to have a concert together with your band. Which five have you been chosen?

– You speak about support or festival? Well, festivals and support are always good things for a small band to collect negative and positive experiences. But I prefer not to play with big bands on one stage, but to see them live and to travel with them in tour bus and talk about their concert and road experiences, mistakes and contacts in music businessJ. Well, I’m not into old bands really, but it would be cool to hang up with bands which music I like and collect – Paradise Lost, Haunted, Carcass, Nightrage, Katatonia. It’s not about their sizes or coolness, it’s about composing music and many related things I’d like to discuss with them. This list should be more than just 5 bands - also Rotting Christ, Arch Enemy, Lacuna Coil, Entwine, Metallica, Rage, Rammstein, Moonspell, Soilwork and many more.

Is music a good way to get out frustration and become a nicer person outside the music?

– I hope so. Of course, it’s not a rule for every musician, but it works for me partly. On one hand music helps me to struggle with depressions, and makes me more relaxed and positive in the everyday life. But I don’t listen to cheerful music at all, so at the same time music can make me deeply sad. And I don’t know sometimes – if it is better than just an inexplicable depression because of the general shit around. But this art of grief or sadness can be very creative and can bring some ideas for a new song. The choice is evident for a musician.

Which is the oddest question you ever have got in an interview?

– Can’t remember such a thing really. Everything is quite normal, and it’s Ok. But I have nothing against odd or unrelated questions at all.

Which is the question you want to have but you never get. Please ask it and answer it?

– Let’s make another interview with more questions about our music, future album of Dissector and maybe other projects!

Future plans for the band?

– Our future plans for this year are bounded with new songs and making more promotion for the band. Members of Dissector also record a new album of the project The Lust with a new female singer and do some joint-tracks, so we have a lot to do and to invest. I think we will be busy with recordings till summer. I can’t tell about concrete time limits, formats or collaborations yet, but I will.

For yourself?

– To have less stress, to keep my job, to have less time to regret about the past and to earn money for making better and bigger music. Well, I have destroyed enough good things and relationships in my life because of different reasons, including music. So now music keeps me to stay hearty alive really and in the form of ready song it brings most of positive emotions.


– Hang out more with relatives, parents (or children) and friends – not with the computer. Live real life – not a virtual one. Do something good everyday for yourself or those close to you. Don’t know, is it wiselyJ?

Something to add?

– If you like music – support musicians.